Urgent Action: Protest Army Disappearance of Community Leaders

30 November 1999

Colombia Support Network
On behalf of:
Asociación MINGA, Corporación CLEBER, Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos, SEMBRAR, Colectivo de Abogados, CODHES, Mesa de Trabajo del Magdalena Medio, ASFADDES, Departamento de Derechos Humanos de Fenasintrap, Sintraminercol, Benposta Nación de Muchachos, Justicia y Paz, CINEP, Organización Femenina Popular, Asociación Campesina del Valle del Rio Cimitarra, Unión Sindical Obrera, Corporación REDES, CREDHOS, REINICIAR, Comisión de Justicia y Paz, Familia Franciscana, CEBS, Coordinador Nacional Agrario

Update, 6 December | CSN Home | This Month's News


On November 28, 1999, Batallion No.45, Heroes de Majagual took in to custody near San Pablo in the Magdalena Medio region two community leaders EDGAR QUIROGA, member of the Middle Magdalena Permanent Regional Board for Peace and GILDARDO FUENTES. The military troops then delivered the two to paramilitaries bearing clothing identifying them as members of Carlos Castano's AUC (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia).

Their current whereabouts are unknown. Gildardo Fuentes had also been attacked and injured by paramilitary forces in early October with apparent impunity for his attackers.

What you should do

We request that you write or call the individuals named to the right with the following requests:
  1. Please write to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Curtis Kamman to express outrage at this example of close cooperation between the Colombian military and the paramilitaries and to urge that the Clinton Administration retire any plans to assist the Colombia military and actively oppose the Alianza Act of 1999, introduced by Republican Senators a few weeks ago.

    Also suggest pulling the visa of Brigadier General Martin Orlando Carreno-Sandoval and his family and of Colonel Jesus Maria Clavijo and his family, the Commander of Batallion No. 45

  2. Write to members of the Colombian government, including president Andres Pastrana to investigate their actions of such General and Colonel as Commanders and remove them from office if they are shown to have cooperated or promoted this collaboration with the paramilitaries.

  3. We urge you to write to your Representatives and Senators to encourage them to oppose further U.S. military aid to the Colombian military, which has once again shown its total disdain for human rights and the security and well being of Colombian citizens.

  4. Please send copies of your letters, faxes, or emails to the Colombian Support Network.

Direct your faxes or calls to

Madeleine Albright
Secretary of State
  +1 (202) 647-1533

William Cohen
Department of Defense
  +1 (703) 697-9080
Online email form:
  Click Here

In Colombia
When dialing from the US, dial 011 to get an international line, then Colombia's country code (57) and then the eight-digit phone number.

Note: If you are trying to fax to the numbers below and someone picks up, say "FAX" clearly into the phone, wait for a response, and then thank them and hang up. You may then dial back, and send the fax.

Curtis Kamman
U.S. Ambassador to Colombia
  +57 (1) 315-2163
  +57 (1) 315-2197

Note: Please use this email address only in conjunction with the other means given (phone, fax). It is as yet unverified.

Andres Pastrana Arango
Presidente de la Republica
Carrera 8 n. 7-26 Palacio de Nariño,
Santa Fe de Bogota.
  +57 (1) 284-3300
  +57 (1) 286-7434
  +57 (1) 286-6842
  +57 (1) 284-2186

Nestor Humberto Martinez
Ministro del interior
Ministerio de Gobierno
Carrera 8 n. 8-09
Santa Fe de Bogota, Palacio de Nariño
  +57 (1) 286-8025
  +57 (1) 334-3960 ext. 0630

Luis Fernando Ramirez
Ministro de la Defensa
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Avenida El Dorado con carrera 52 CAN
Santa Fe de Bogota
  +57 (1) 222-1874

Jaime Bernal Cuellar
Procurador General de la Nacion
Procuraduria General de la Nacion
Carrera 5 n. 15-80
Santa Fé de Bogota
  +57 (1) 342-9723
  +57 (1) 281-7531

Martin Orlando Carreno-Sandoval
Brigadier General of the 45th Brigade
  +57 (7) 645-5051