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For a negotiated peace; not war

CSN Madison, February 21, 2002
The COLOMBIA SUPPORT NETWORK has received with great distress the news of the break in peace talks between the Colombian Government and the FARC, with Colombian armed forces entering the Demilitarized Zone of the Caguan. CSN is absolutely convinced that military actions are a very serious mistake, which will bring about more bloodshed and suffering in a country which has already experienced far too much violence.

CSN applauded President Pastrana's gesture to the FARC in favor of negotiations and peace talks at the beginning of his Presidency. CSN is profoundly disappointed that neither the FARC nor the Colombian government have shown the moral strength and courage to pursue peace by negotiation instead of by arms. CSN calls upon the government of Colombia and the FARC to seek peace with justice through negotiations not armed conflict.

CSN calls upon its U.S. members to contact their representatives in the U.S. Congress and tell them to change the U.S. Government focus in Colombia from military confrontation to support for a negotiated solution to the conflict. The U.S. Government must immediately stop providing military materiel, intelligence and trainers to the Colombian military and halt the use of mercenaries of Dyncorp and others which continue to inflict pain and suffering upon thousands of innocent Colombians. The Colombian military's indiscriminate bombing of the Caguan is also sure to cost the deaths of many innocent civilians.

CSN also calls upon the Colombian Government to cease immediately collaboration with the paramilitaries and to bring these murderous cutthroats to justice.

CSN calls upon those in the economic and social elite of Colombia to change very profoundly their common outlook that the resources of the state and their country are at their service to the detriment of the millions of dispossessed, displaced and poor in one of the world's richest countries in terms of natural resources. It is time for those who have known and enjoyed privilege in their country to view the poor, disenfranchised and displaced as their brothers and sisters and to work hard with them to achieve a just and therefore peaceful country. The age-old elite view of private privilege served by public resources must end.

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