Press Release
Brussels, April 24, 1998
"Mr. Samper: Meet your Responsibilities"
In a joint letter addresses to President Samper, diverse Non-
Governmental Organizations from Europe, Latin America and Canada,
together with such personalities as Mrs. Danielle Miterrand and
European Parliament Members, have expressed their repudiation of
the assassination of the well-known human rights defender, Eduardo
Umaña Mendoza, murdered at his home on April 18.
In the letter, those groups express how "the policy of inaction and
omission adopted by the Colombian government for years persists,
delaying the solving of the crimes and recreating the necessary
conditions so that the perpetrators of those crimes remain in
impunity, at the same time stimulating the environment in which the
criminal activity continues unabated. At the same time, they
underline the Colombian State's non-fulfilment of multiple
international recommendations.
In turn, the letter recalls how, through a declaration of its president
on April 9, the Human Rights Commission expressed its
preoccupation about the fate of human rights defenders and about
the fact that military intelligence organizations construe human
rights defenders as allies of guerrilla groups.
The letter closes with a series of recommendations that go from the
formation of a mixed commission that reviews the intelligence files
and the prosecution and punishment of those responsible for the
crimes against the defenders, to the dismantling of paramilitary
groups and the groups previously known as CONVIVIR. At the same
time, the letter urges the president to fulfill the responsibilities that
correspond to him in his role as Head of the State and of the
Government, and as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
Brussels, April 24, 1998
Ref.: The plight of human rights defenders
Mr. President:
It was with deep pain and profound repudiation that we have
received the news of the murder, in Santafe de Bogota, of the lawyer,
university professor, and human rights and political prisoner
defender, EDUARDO UMAñA MENDOZA, who throughout several
decades took charge of investigating extremely serious cases of
human rights violations committed both by paramilitary groups and
by security agents of the Colombian State, as well as defending
people accused and prosecuted because of political reasons.
This new crime adds to another twenty (20) carried out during 1997
against human rights defenders, the most recent instances being the
murder of Dr. JESUS MARIA VALLE, President of the Permanent
Human Rights Commission of Antioquia and the assassination, on
April 17, 1998, of the sixty-year old leader of the Communist Party,
MARIA ARANGO FONNEGRA, who had been in exile for ten years.
The international community is witness that these crimes have been
committed amid a generalized climate of hostility, persecution,
assaults, disapparitions and murders against human rights defenders,
which has intensified in the last tree years, and has been
exhaustively and repeatedly denounced by Colombian and
international NGOs before judicial authorities, before diverse
governmental sectors, and personally, before President Samper
Unfortunately, nothing has been done in the face of the
recommendations by various intergovernmental groups and by
prestigious international human rights organizations. The same
inaction has met the concrete proposals to avoid the repetition of
such crimes, advanced by Colombian NGOs. On the contrary, the
policy of inaction and omission adopted by the Colombian
government for years persists, delaying the solving of the crimes and
recreating the necessary conditions so that the perpetrators of those
crimes remain in impunity, at the same time stimulating the
environment in which the criminal activity continues unabated. A
clear example is the fact that since June 16, 1997, the Colombian
NGOs await President Samper's answer to their proposal for integral
protection that they delivered to his ministers. In it, it is requested,
as a priority, that the intelligence files of the State's security
organizations be purged by a Commission headed by the Office of the
United States High Commissioner based in Colombia. For the last year,
the NGOs which are potential violations victims await a response so
that effective controls and clear limitations to the out-of-hand
activities of state security groups against the civil population be
established and so that paramilitary groups, including the CONVIVIR,
can be disassembled.
Nothing has been done. The judicial investigations do not come to a
conclusion, or remain in indefinite preliminary investigations;
therefore, not a single perpetrator has been jailed, or disciplinarily
punished, nor have the victims of authority abuse been retributed
In contrast, while on April 9, 1998, the United Nations Commission
for Human Rights expressed that it "remains worried by the
unacceptable level of impunity, particularly in what pertains to
abuses by state agents, which continue under the jurisdiction of
military tribunals" and by the fact that "some members of state
intelligence organizations construe human rights defenders as allied
of guerrilla groups," in practice, these defenders continue to be
murdered by the unpunished perpetrators.
After several years upholding our preoccupation for the situation in
Colombia, as part of the international community interested in the
prompt overcoming of the serious crisis in Human Rights through
which Colombia suffers, we are convinced that the situation has gone
too far. It is time that the government's will be measured through
concrete results that demonstrate the reduction in the number of
victims, in the quality of the crimes, and in the level of impunity that
the perpetrators enjoy.
We know that this will only be possible through the adoption of
timely political and normative decisions of prevention, sanction, and
control that preclude new violations, and that bring under control the
authors of the horrendous crimes already committed.
For all of the above, at the same time that we energetically
condemned the murder of Dr. Eduardo Umaña Mendoza, we urgently
call on the Colombian government to:
1. Assemble a Mixed Commission, headed by the United States
Human Rights High Commissioner Office in Colombia, the Attorney
General, The Justice Ministry, the Office for the Defense of the People,
and delegates of the Colombian NGOs, in order to review the activities
and the "intelligence files on individuals and organizations that
through their legitimate labor defend human rights, and to propose,
whenever it deems appropriate, a purge of such archives and the
suspension of such governmental activity."
2. Separate from active duty those members of the public forces and
other governmental organizations involved in grave human rights
3. Dismantle paramilitary groups and revoke the legislation that
rules the previously so-called CONVIVIR.
4. Guarantee the effective and prompt completion of judicial
investigations, the public presentation of the elucidation of the
crimes, and the submission to civil justice of the authors of such
5. Present and promote a bill about human rights defense, which
guarantees the obligation on the part of all public and private
officials to respect it as a legitimate task, establishing legal norms
and additional punishments for the authors of threats, harrasments
and attempts against the individuals who work on behalf of human
rights. This law should model itself after the United Nations'
Declaration about Human Rights Defenders, recently adopted in the
54th Human Rights Commission, and after the United Nations' Code of
Conduct for Public Servants.
6. Assign the human and economic resources needed for a strategy of
protection against and prevention of attacks against human rights
7. Guarantee the victims and their relatives the restoration of the
right to the truth, to justice, and to reparation, obeying the
international recommendations of the United Nations and the
Organization of American States, which have been ignored so far.
8. Organize a Permanent Interinstitutional Following Committee, at
the highest level, to respond to the proposals presented, conformed
by the Office of the President, the Attorney General, the Justice
Ministry, the Office for the Defense of the People, the Foreign
Minister, The Minister of the Interior, to meet periodically with the
Mr. President:
During your administration, the situation of human rights in the
country has deteriorated visibly, particularly in what pertains the
persecution of defenders of human rights. It is time to assume the
responsibilities that correspond to you as the head of the State and of
the Government, and as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,
adopting coherent, prompt and efficient measures that facilitate the
anticipation of a solution to the profound crisis in which your country
is plunged. Awaiting your reply,
Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo- Madres de Plaza de Mayo- Familiares de
Detenidos Desaparecidos Mar del Plata- Familiares de Detenidos Entre
Rios Mónica Torres
Klimabündis - Movimiento de Mujeres Católicas de Austria- Acción
Tres Reyes Magos DKD - Iniciativa por Colombia Paz y dd. hh.
Alemania (Germany)
Misereor - ACAT/ Alemania - Cordinación Alemana por Colombia -
Comité Colombia Nürtigen -Terres des Hommes/Alemania - Misión
Central Franciscana- Diakoniches Werk - Diözesarant de Katholiken in
Bistum Aachen -Katholische Junge Gemeinde Deutsschen Katholischen
Jugend Diözesandanverband Aachen -FIAN - Action Pro Colombia e
V. Aachen -Pax Chrsti/Alemania
Belgica (Belgium)
NCOS -Broederlijk Delen - Oxfam Solidaridad - Oxfam-Wereldwinkels
Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Mártires por
la Liberación Nacional ASOFAMD
Tortura Nunca Mais Rio de Janeiro TNM-Tortura Nunca Mais Sao
Paulo TNM
Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad de Canada - Asociación de Maestros
de la Escuela Secundaria de Ontario
Agrupación Nacional de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos AFDD
Filiales: Valparaiso, Linares, Chillan, Talca, Concepción, Los Angeles,
Temuco, Osorno.
El Salvador
Comite de Madres y Familiares de Presos, Desaparecidos y
Asesinados Políticos de El Salvador, "Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo
Romero" COMADRES-Comite de Familiares Pro-Libertad de Presos,
Desaparecidos y Asesinados Políticos de El Salvador "Marianella
García Villa CODEFAM-Comite de Madres y Familiares Cristianos de
presos, Desaparecidos y Asesinados "Padre Octavio-Hna. Silvia"
COMAFAC.-Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niños y Niñas Desaparecidos.
El Salvador
España (Spain)
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos - Sodepaz / Sodepau. - Asociación
Jueces para la Democracia - Intermon - Manos Unidas - Sotermun -
Fundación por los Pueblos Indigenas- Ospaal -Mugarik Gabe Nafarroa
- Periodistas sin Fronteras - Coordinadora Estatal de Comités de
Solidaridad Oscar Romero - Paz y Tercer Mundo - Cedsala -
Comunidades Cristianas Populares -Iglesias de Base Madrid -
Confederación General de Trabajadores CGT - Unión Sindical Obrera
USO - Fundación CEAR -Asociación Andaluza por la Solidaridad y la
Paz -Izquierda Unida Federal - Comitè Català de Solidaritat amb
Colombia- Interpueblos/ Cantabria - Entrepueblos/la Rioja - Aesco -
Asociación Acción Verapaz - Iscod /UGT - Grupo de Apoyo por el
Pueblo U'wa -Watu - Comité de Solidaridad con Africa Negra - Grupo
de Apoyo al MST.
Francia (Frnace)
ACAT/Francia - CCFD - Justicia y Paz /Francia -Terres des Hommes/
Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo GAM
Holanda (Holland)
Novib - Amnistía Internacional Seccional Holanda
Comite de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras
Italia (Italy)
International Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation COCIS
- Partito dela Rifonda Ziome Comunista
Irlanda (Ireland)
Trocaire - The Colombian Network
Comite Nacional Independiente CNI
Noruega (Norway)
Partido Socialista Noruego - Grupo Noruego de Solidaridad con
America Latina - Comité Colombia Noruega
Asociación Nacional de Familiares de Secuestrados y Detenidos,
Desaparecidos en la Zona declarada en estado de emergencia del
Perú, sede Ayacucho ANFASEP. Comite de Familiares de Detenidos
Desaparecidos en las Zonas de Emergencia Refugiados en Lima
Suecia (Sweden)
Fundación Sueca de Derechos Humanos - Caritas/Suecia
Suiza (Switzerland)
Amnistía Internacional Seccinal Suiza -Solifonds- Comunidad de
Misioneras Laicas- Consejo Misionero Católico de Suiza- Pax
Christi/Suiza - Swissaid - Acción Cuaresmal de los Católicos -
Caritas/Suiza - Interteam - Grupo de Trabajo Suiza Colombia - HEKS -
Asociación por la Paz en Colombia- E- Changer - Plate- Forme Haïti de
Madres y Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos de Uruguay
International Organizations
Canadian Council of Churches - FEDEFAM -FIACAT- Fundación France
Libertés-Organización Mundial contra la Tortura
Danielle Mitterrand, Rodolfo Matarolo, Philippe Texier, Iñaki
European Parliament Members
Wilfied Telkämper,Wölfgang Kreissl- Dorfler , Hiltrud Breyer -
Leoluca Orlando
With a copy to the Colombian Embassies in the countries mentioned.
other letters
Doctor Ernesto Samper Pizano
Presidente de la República de Colombia
Palacio de Nariño
Bogotá Colombia
Fax 571-286-7454
April 23, 1998
Dear Mr. President,
Last Saturday, April 18 1998, the distinguished Colombian lawyer
and human rights defender Eduardo Umaña Mendoza was murdered
in his office in Bogotá. Less than two months earlier, on February 27,
Jesús María Valle, lawyer and President of the Antioquia Committee
on Human Rights, was murdered under similar circumstances in his
Medellín office.
In just a few days time is the first anniversary of the murder of
Mario Calderón , Elsa Alvarado, and her father, Carlos Alvarado, in
their Bogotá home during the early morning hours of May 19, 1997.
Associated with the Center for Research and Popular Education
(CINEP), the well-known institute founded by Jesuits in Bogotá ,
Mario and Elsa were carrying out important activities in defense of
human rights and the environment. In the last eighteen months,
more than twenty people dedicated to the defense of human rights
have been assassinated, and others have had to leave the country
due to threats and imminent danger.
This dramatic succession of murders of human rights activists
aggravates the worrisome situation of violence and impunity that
Colombia has been undergoing for several years. The international
community is increasingly concerned
about this deteriorating situation which should be brought to an end
in accordance with the full force of the rule of law. This past April
20, at the meeting of the United Nations' Commission on Human
Rights in Geneva, a minute of silence was observed as an
extraordinary gesture to honor the memory of Doctor Umaña , to
insist on respect for defenders of human rights, and to press for the
substantial improvement of the Colombian situation.
Well aware of the great value and enormous potential of
Colombian society, we grieve over the widespread abuse to which it
is subjected. Therefore, we feel obligated to join the international
outcry, calling for an end to murders in Colombia, in particular of
those who defend human rights. Respect for human rights is
a basic condition for the democratic development of any country. At
risk of losing its human rights defenders, Colombian society is
increasingly vulnerable in the face of these violations.
Therefore, we respectfully, but determinedly, ask the
Colombian government and its authorities to guarantee the rule of
law and fulfill its role as protector of the rights to life and justice. It
is necessary that immediate and effective measures be undertaken
democratically so that these painful crimes be stopped once and for
all and that they not go unpunished.
(spanish version)
Doctor Ernesto Samper Pizano
Presidente de la República de Colombia
Palacio de Nariño
Bogotá Colombia
fax 571-286-7454
23 de abril de 1998
Estimado Señor Presidente:
El pasado sábado 18 de abril de 1998 fue asesinado en su
oficina en Bogotá el abogado Eduardo Umaña Mendoza, destacado
defensor de derechos humanos en Colombia. Menos de dos meses
antes, el 27 de febrero, había sido asesinado en similares condiciones
en su oficina en Medellín el abogado Jesús María Valle, presidente
del Comité de Derechos Humanos de Antioquia. En pocos días se
cumple un año del asesinato de Mario Calderón , Elsa Alvarado y su
padre, Carlos Alvarado, ocurrido
en la madrugada del 19 de mayo de 1997 en su vivienda en Bogotá.
Mario y Elsa realizaban importantes actividades en la defensa de los
derechos humanos y del medio ambiente y estaban vinculados al
Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular -CINEP-, reconocido
instituto fundado por los jesuitas en Bogotá. En los últimos dieciocho
meses, más de veinte personas dedicadas a la defensa de los
derechos humanos han sido asesinadas, y muchas otras han tenido
que abandonar el país por riesgos o amenazas. Esta
dramática sucesión de asesinatos de defensores de derechos humanos
agrava la muy alarmante situación de violencia e impunidad que
vive Colombia desde hace varios años. Es creciente la preocupación
de la comunidad internacional por este deterioro, que debería ser
detenido mediante la plena vigencia del Estado de derecho. La
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas en Ginebra
decidió el
último 20 de abril observar un minuto de silencio como un gesto
extraordinario para honrar la memoria del doctor Umaña , insistir en
el respeto a los defensores de derechos humanos y urgir el
mejoramiento sustancial de la situación en Colombia.
Conscientes de los inmensos valores y potencialidades de la
sociedad colombiana, y dolidos por la impotencia y el abuso al que se
encuentra sometida, sentimos el deber de
unirnos a este clamor internacional y hacer un llamado a que cesen
los asesinatos en Colombia, en particular los de defensores de
derechos humanos. El respeto de los derechos humanos es condición
básica para el desarrollo democrático de un
país. Expuesta a perder sus defensores de derechos humanos, la
sociedad colombiana está quedando cada vez más desprotegida
frente a las violaciones. Por ello, solicitamos
respetuosamente pero con profunda convicción al gobierno y a las
autoridades colombianas garantizar el Estado de derecho, cumpliendo
su papel protector de los derechos a la vida y a la justicia. Es
necesario que democráticamente se tomen medidas inmediatas y
eficaces para que estos dolorosos crímenes terminen de una vez y no
permanezcan impunes.
Nancy Hahn Sr. Administrative Assistant
Kellogg Institute 204 Hesburgh Center Notre Dame, IN
46556 Tel:
219-631-7816 Fax:219-631-6717
President of the Republic of Colombia
Santafé de Bogotá
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