Communique on Edgar Quiroga and Gildardo Fuentes' Detention

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Comisión Interinstitucional Humanitaria de Búsqueda de Edgar Quiroga y Gildardo Fuentes, integrada por la vicepresidencia de la Republica, Ministerio del Interior, Oficina del Alto Comisionado Para La Paz, Defensoria del Pueblo Servicio de Jesuitas Para Refugiados, Programa de Desarollo y Paz del Magdalena Medio, Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos, CREDHOS, MINGA y Organizació Femenina Popular

After 5 days of many efforts by government and civilian institutions to establish the whereabouts and circumstances of the sidappearance of EDGAR QUIROGA and GILDARDO FUENTES, peasant leaders ilegally detained on November 28/99 in the town of LaPlazita, town of Cerro Azul, municipality of San Pablo, Southern Bolivar state, we inform the public as follows :

  1. Edgar and Gildardo are in the hands of the High Command of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). This information is based upon a statement received on Dec 4/99 from such organization.

  2. Information received from highly credible sources, allows us to conclude that EDGAR QUIROGA and GILDARDO FUENTES were detained by an armed group that identified itself as belonging to AUC, under the leadership of Comandante Carlos. on Sunday November 28, before noon, after they entered at the hamlet of Cerro Azul, municipality of San Pablo.

    At the time of their detention Edgar Quiroga would have explained the civilian and peaceful resons for his presence in the town, in particular he asked his captors to communicate with an agency of the government which would permit them to confirm the legality of his work.

    Such information contradicts the version given buy AUC, according to which Edgar Quiroga and other 4 persons were detained because they were a group of "guerrillas captured in activity"

  3. The information also relates that Edgar quiroga and Gildardo Fuentes were tied up, beaten and taken aboard a white helicopter with green and red stripes on its tail, in the same afternoon of the same day of their ilegal detention. By indication of membes of the armed group that detained them the two persons were to have been taken to the unincorporated town of San Blas, municipality of Simiti.

EDGAR QUIROGA and GILDARDO FUENTES were in that region coordinating humanitarian aid to displaced persons, after denouncing before the Attorney General, the Procuradoria, the High Commissioner of the United Nations and diplomatic missions, the abuses committed against the civilian population of Southern Bolivar state.

Therefore on the basis of these events all of us who participate in this act re-affirm the fact that EDGAR QUIROGA and GILDARDO FUENTES are peasant and civic leaders who have developed a legal activity to benefit the peasant communities of Southern Bolivar, in whose capacity they have won recognition as peasant representatives before the Colombian State.