Nizkor Int. Human Rights Team Derechos Human Rights Serpaj Europe Urgent Solidarity 16mar00 URGENT APPEAL IN ORDER TO PREVENT A PARAMILITARY CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION FROM ACTING IN NORTHERN SANTANDER, COLOMBIA. To: General MARTIN ORLANDO CARRENHO Commander of the V National Army Brigade Once more we are contacting you in order to inform you that during the past hours our office has been receiving multiple telephone calls informing us that a numerous paramilitary group has seized the area of Campo Dos, pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Tibu, Northern Santader. These actions started today at about 07:00 a.m.. The paramilitaries conducted a violent search among the houses of this hamlet and proceeded to concentrate all its inhabitants in a sport facility. They have also set up a check point on the Cucuta-Tibu road, thus impeding free circulation of persons and vehicles. In view of these facts, we urge you to deploy all necessary military efforts, from both the troops of the Brigade under your command and the Air Force, in order for them to verify this information and, if it turns out to be certain, in order to protect the inhabitants of Campo Dos and neutralize the paramilitary group. Also, we have placed on record that given your refusal to personally answer to our call, we have talked with Captain Camargo, member of your command, who promised us to immediately and urgently adopt the necessary measures. Sincerely, GLORIA INES FLOREZ SCHNEIDER Directora Ejecutiva de MINGA (MINGA Executive Director) Santa Fe de Bogota D.C., March 16, 2000
EQUIPO NIZKOR ARGUMENTS: Paramilitary groups are carrying out a planned extermination of civil population in Colombia. 1) According to the Nuremberg Statute and judgments, as well as subsequent judgments of the ad-hoc International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), particularly the Tadic verdict dated 15jul99, military commanders and civil servants who control the area where the paralimitaries act must be held responsible for not preventing paramilitary crimes, as if they had directly ordered the operations within their command area. The commanders of the militarized zones who are at the top of the chain of command and who are therefore the superiors to the Battalions and their commanding officers, are responsible for not halting the activities of the criminal organizations that make up the paramilitary groups. Allegations of territorial subordination are not sufficient when the offenses involved are of such a nature. Those responsible must be brought before a tribunal. In this case we are referring to Gral. Orlando Carrenho, Commander of the V Army Brigade. They must be brought to court not only on the basis that "they should have known but that they are in a duty to know" what takes place within their command area, as it has been established in the TIHOMIR BLASKIC verdict dated 03mar00, issued by the ICTY. 2) Paramilitary forces in Colombia use the "modus operandi" of covert military actions and counterintelligence operations, therefore the military division area commanders and Colombian Army General Staff are both responsible for war crimes, kidnappings, enforced disappearances and other serious crimes against humanity. These offenses, under the rules used by International Criminal Courts and according to current doctrine on International Humanitarian Law, neither prescribe, nor may they be subject to any sort of amnesty. The same has also been said regarding the Atlacatl Battalion in El Salvador by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission through its recent decision on the Jesuit case. 3) The paramilitaries must understand that according to the Geneva Conventions, mercenaries can never enjoy the legal status of combatant or of prisoner of war. 4) There is an obvious pattern of civilian population extermination, utilizing modern "social control" techniques (such us computer simulation techniques). Lists of civil, political, social and cultural activists are made and: a) these persons are targeted; b) they are publicly threatened, to identify them to the paramilitaries, and at the same time, to grant impunity to the command chain; c) security coverage zones in rural and urban areas are cleared in preparation for executions; d) communications and logistical support are arranged and the moment of execution is determined. These deeds fall under the figure of criminal organization and systematic planning of civilian extermination. Following information recorded by the Colombian Commission of Jurists, 77.8% of the most serious human rights violations for 1998 were committed by paramilitary criminal organizations. Of the 1,656 total incidents recorded, 81,8% were committed by paramilitaries and state security forces. Comparing 1994 and 1998, Military / paramilitary violations more than doubled. 5) Extermination is a crime against humanity and therefore punishable under international law. Extermination has been recognized as a crime against humanity by article 6(c) of the Nuremberg Statute; article II(1) (c) of Control Council Law No. 10; article 5(c) of the Tokio Statute and Principle IV(c) of the Nuremberg Principles. It has also been included in the Statutes of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (article 5) and Rwanda (article 3), and also in the Draft Code of Crimes againsy the Peace and Security of Mankind [1954: article 2, 11 and 1996: article 18(b)]. 6) We take note of and support in all of its terms, the Public Declaration of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Canadian Parliament, dated 16dec99. This declaration "Calls upon the Government of Colombia to intensify both its investigation of the Barrancabermeja massacre and its activities to reduce and prevent violence and the abuse of human rights in the country and to end impunity especially with regards to crimes against humanity". In concordance with this declaration, we ask other governments to adopt a similar posture and that they revise their diplomatic and economic relationships with the Colombian government, a government that has demonstrated a failure to comply with its obligations under International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law. In order to implement these measures we think that the State of Colombia should be asked to abide by the doctrine formulated by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission as a conditionality clause. EU, March 16,2000
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