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National Petition on Colombia

CSN-Madison, April 20, 2004

Dear Friends :

The Latin America Working Group has requested that we circulate this petition for a change in U.S. foreign policy towards Colombia. Colombia Support Network URGES you to sign this petition...


Take Action! Sign the National Colombia Petition and publicize the petition to help us reach our goal of 50,000 signatures. Together we can make this happen! Go to to sign.

Dear Colombia Advocates,

It's April, that time when many of us pull out our checkbooks to pay our taxes. This year, over a half a billion dollars of our tax money will be sent to Colombia, where about 80% of it will be used to train and equip the Colombian military and police.

US military aid has fanned the flames of Colombia's brutal war. It has discouraged reform by the Colombian military, which has a long history of abuses, particularly against union members, religious leaders, and human rights and peace workers. And it has caught Colombian civilians in the crossfire, tearing apart communities and families. It is up to us to tell our government that we don't want our tax dollars funding the Colombian military.

TAKE ACTION! Take one minute today to sign the National Petition on Colombia. You can read and sign the petition at If you've already signed, take a minute to send the link to friends or colleagues (see below).

The petition is addressed to presidential hopeful John Kerry, who is on the fence when it comes to Colombia and needs our pressure to support a change in policy. It calls on Kerry to rethink US aid to Colombia's military and to prioritize social assistance for small farmers in Colombia and drug treatment and prevention programs at home.

Help us reach our goal of 50,000 signatures on the petition. The petition will be delivered to members of Congress at the end of May, as they begin debate over Colombia's aid package for next year (keep an eye out for an alert on the upcoming legislation next week). We'll then be collecting signatures through the summer, and will deliver the petition to Kerry at the end of August.

We need your help now to send a strong message to Kerry and the US Congress. Together, we can make this happen. Please begin by signing the petition at

Then, help spread the word by circulating the petition to your friends and colleagues. After signing, click on the button to send the link to others. Publicize the petition with your community group. Post it to virtual bulletin boards. Include the link and an explanation of the petition in your church's newsletter. Or send it to other members of your union. Every signature strengthens our call for a new US-Colombia policy, one we can all be proud to support with our tax dollars.

Thank you for all of your hard work!

Elanor Starmer
Associate for Colombia and Central America
Latin America Working Group
T: 718-522-0899 -
Latin America Working Group
Action at home for just policies abroad


Colombia Support Network
P.O. Box 1505
Madison, WI 53701-1505
phone: (608) 257-8753
fax: (608) 255-6621

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