Colombia’s Constitutional Court recognized by Decision 004, 2009, that there are 35 indigenous nations in danger of physical and cultural extinction because of the internal armed conflict and the very serious violations to their fundamental individual and collective rights, and to International Humanitarian Law.
The following list names the 35 indigenous groups on the verge of extinction as identified by the Constitutional Court :
Wiwa, Kankuamo, Arhuaco, Kogui, Wayúu, Embera Katío, Embera Dobidá, Emberá-Chamí, Wounaan, Awá, Nasa, Pijao, Koreguaje, Kofán, Siona, Betoy, Sicuani, Nukak-Makú, Guayabero, U’wa, Chimila, Yukpa, Kuna, Eperara Siapidara, Guambiano, Zenú, Yanacona, Kokonuko, Totoró, Huitoto, Ingá, Kamentsá, Kichwa, Kuiva y Hitnú.
The Emberá-Chamí wanted to keep their Cosmology or their conception of the creation of the world and of their existence as an ethnic group alive, for future generations to know they were part of this planet , in case they disappear. This idea was the origin for this beautiful project, so dear to their hearts and accomplished by the Colombia Support Network- Kansas City Chapter.
The CSN- KC Chapter donated the audio tapes, which the elder non-Spanish speaking Jaibanás (or shamans) used to tape in their language their legends and myths. Younger Emberás translated them into Spanish and, motivated by the KC Chapter, a team of students and faculty at Truman University in Missori put them in English.
Here it is a marvelous example of what CSN Sister Community Projects can accomplish.