[LAsolidarity] URGENT ACTION: ATTACK AGAINST THE SCHOOL "MARIO GONZALEZ". Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia

From Latin American Solidarity lists

The Association SCHOOL OF ARTS AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT MARIO GONZALEZ, affiliated with the Movement of Christians for Peace, the Coalition of Social Movements, the Coalition of Social Movements, Women’s Social
Movement, Secular Franciscans and other organizations that work in the region in pro of a life with dignity; Denounce and manifest against the following acts that have endangered the life of campesinos, students, women, youth, children and the inhabitants of the municipality of Piedecuesta that are involved with the different areas of formation of the school and assist daily with its process of skills building and construction of a space of solidarity.

We inform the general public, national and international, that this past Friday, Oct. 12th, 2007 at 4:30 am, unknown individuals placed in the entry way of the school and explosive device that generated an impact of great magnitude causing damages to the structure of the café theatre Kussihuayra, located within the school. The mentioned acts caused great concern and distress among the neighbors and inhabitants living close to the school. Neighbors who were witness to the act claimed to have seen two men that after installing the device ran towards the area of the central cemetery.

The SCHOOL OF ARTS AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT "MARIO GONZALEZ", has spent the last three years developing an honest, inclusive and participative
work in solidarity with the inhabitants of the surrounding rural and urban areas that are excluded from socio-economic conditions they have a right to, they have joined the school in a proposal to defend a life with dignity and search for spaces that allow for an basic development. The school has been built with the work, the volunteering and the solidarity of people and organizations that have shared with us the dream of a space where campesinos, students, men, women, planting yuca, tomatoes, corn, learning to weave, singing an emotional song, reading poetry, dancing to the son of a drum, laughing from behind a funny mask, telling the bad story again, or simply fraternity, friendship and love, we dream of building a country with dignified conditions, equal and just for all.

From the mentioned we denounce these acts so that the necessary actions are taken to identify those responsible of the attempt.

We urge the administrative authorities, the police and judicial correspondents to go ahead with celerity and efficiency in the necessary actions to bring to light to the act done, the identification and sanctions against the responsible actors and to adopt the measures necessary to project the life, dignity and well being of the people and organizations associated with the school; the
previous being in  compliance with different accords and agreements international ratified by the Colombian state and under mandate by the constitution and law of the Colombian state.

We thank with all our strength the accompaniment and solidarity of the national and international organizations that are united with our cause and the cause of the campesinos, artists, students, women and men of the municipality of Piedecusta en the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga.



President  of the Republic
Carrera 8 No 7-26. Palacio de Nariño, Bogotá DC
Fax: ( +57-1) 566 20 71
email: uribe@presidencia.gov.co <mailto:uribe@presidencia.gov.co>

Vice President of the Republic
Dr. Francisco Santos
E-mail: fsantos@presidencia.gov.co <mailto:fsantos@presidencia.gov.co>

Minister of Nacional Defense
Dr. Camilo Ospina Bernal
El Dorado con carrera 52 CAN. Bogotá D.C .
fax: (+57-1) 222 18 74
email: siden@mindefensa.gov.co <mailto:siden@mindefensa.gov.co>
infprotocol@mindefensa.gov.co <mailto:infprotocol@mindefensa.gov.co>  mdn@cable.net.co <mailto:mdn@cable.net.co>

Procuraduría General de la Nación
Dr. Edgardo José Maya Villazón
Carrera 5 No 15-80 Bogotá D.C.
Fax: (+57-1) 342 97 93
email: reygon@procuraduría.gov.co <mailto:reygon@procuradur%C3%ADa.gov.co>
anticorrupción@presidencia.gov.co <http://presidencia.gov.co/>

Presidencial Program of Human Rights
Dr. Carlos Franco
Calle 7 No 5-54
Teléfono (+57-1 336 03 11
Fax: (+ 337 46 67
email: cefranco@presiencia.gov.co <mailto:cefranco@presiencia.gov.co> ,
fibarra@presidencia.gov.co <mailto:fibarra@presidencia.gov.co>

Nacional Treasury
Diagonal 22 B No. 52 – 01. Bogotá D.C.
Fax (+57-1) 570 20 00
email: contacto@fiscalia.gov.co <mailto:contacto@fiscalia.gov.co>  ,
denuncie@fiscalia.gov.co <mailto:denuncie@fiscalia.gov.co>

Entity of Human Rights and International Human Rignts
Correo electrónico: elbsilva@fiscalía.gov.co
Defensoría del Pueblo
Dr. Volmar Antonio Pérez Ortiz.
Calle 55 No. 10-32. Bogotá D.C.
fax: (+57-1) 640 0491
email: secretaria_privada@hotmail.com <mailto:secretaria_privada@hotmail.com>

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