Why so much cruelty?

(Translated by Rudy Heller, a CSN Volunteer Translator)

Saturday, August 7, 2010



Social researchers believe that sexual abuse against women exemplifies a machismo attitude in which women are seen as mere chattel. That is why when the enemy is not present members of armed groups see wives, girlfriends, mothers or daughters as loot that they can take. Rape, says researcher and attorney Patricia Latorre, answers to that same mental process that exalts violence as the last resource to impose your will. “Ours is an environment of multiple fiercenesses, some of which are socially admissible and some are even applauded. In Colombia, praise is given for a clever swindle, shrewdness and even cruelty if it is used for what are considered noble purposes. That is precisely what a member of the armed groups thinks when he rapes a woman because, simply put, he as a tie of affection with his enemy. He understands that as a valid recourse.” 

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