No to the gringo military bases!

(Translated by Stacey Schlau, a CSN Volunteer translator)

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We are sending this letter, which of course does not represent the position of the Polo Democrático Alternativo (Alternative Democratic Group), so that our readers can analyze and form an opinion about it for themselves:

Letter from Gustavo Petro to other organizations

August 26, 2010  


Citizens and members of the:
Partido Verde (Green Party)
Compromiso Ciudadano (Citizens’ Commitment)
Alianza Social Indígena (Indigenous Social Alliance)
Autoridades Indígenas de Colombia (Indigenous Authorities of Colombia)
Podemos Cali (We Can Cali)
Integrantes de sus bancadas; senadores y representantes a la Cámara (those sitting on the benches; senators and representatives to the House)
Directivos (Directorships)
Ex candidatos presidenciales (former presidential candidates)
Antanas Mockus y Sergio Fajardo (Antanas Mockus and Sergio Fajardo)

I respectfully greet you in the name of Corriente Democrática (Democratic Current), which I represent today and which was the source of my strength during my presidential campaign. Today, with complete political autonomy, we have decided to offer you the following proposal and invitation:
Since the presidential campaign ended, a series of events have occurred that merit examination and hopefully an agreement for action by our political forces:
1.    The United Nations has declared access to potable water and basic sanitation critical human rights, which s. This makes the demand for water a fundamental right of Colombians,  that must be able to be protected and expecteddemanded and protected.
2.   The national government has decided to initiate a proposal for a law for victims, as a result of since a conciliatory meeting.  It accepts includingincludes a chapter on land restitutionn of lands from the previous proposal, which opens up the possibility of a wide-ranging process of true reparations to the victims of violence in Colombia.
3.   The Constitutional Court has decided to declare unconstitutional the treaty that allowed the establishment of U.S. military bases in Colombia.
4.   The national government has announced the presentation of a proposal for a law about land and speaks about giving victims and peasants a million hectares.

5.   Diplomatic relations with neighboring countries have been restored, based on Colombia’s respect for International Law.

Under these circumstances, the political climate of the country has changed substantially.  T, the government is moving toward meaningful reform around issues of substance for the country, political polarization has decreased, and the possibility of communication and of political and social dialogue has opened up. The transition to a peace process is even possible.

Both of usWe and you have pushed several of these reforms from many different political positions and places in the country. I believe it iswould be constructive for Colombia if we were not to only for us not to act as spectators, n or to maintain, from a position independent of the government, fragmented goals that are fragmented amongst ourselves.

The way is open for the possibility of a democratic agreement..
Therefore, I think that today we can form an encounter among uscome together to create the possibility of common actions in common about these subjects, for the good of the country.

I invite you to choose to participate in forming this Democratic Meeting, which might generate serious purposeful discussion, and very much in the interest of Colombian society.
Gustavo Petro
Spokesperson, Corriente Democrática

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