Open letter from environmental organizations to the national government about the situation in the countryside, the peasants and those who defend life in Colombia.

Signatures listed at the end of the letter.


(Translated by Elaine Fuller, a CSN Volunteer Translator. Edited by Teresa Welsh, a CSN Volunteer Editor.)


Bogotá, Colombia, May 12, 2011


The attached letter was delivered this past Thursday to President Santos and some members of his government with the signatures of more than a hundred national and international organizations and the support of more than 160 environmentalists and defenders of life in various Latin American and European countries.  It concerns the situation of the Colombian countryside, the peasants and those who defend a more inclusive vision of our country’s rural regions.


To Señor JUAN MANUEL SANTOS, President of the Republic of Colombia,

Casa de Nariño

Calle 7 No. 6 – 54 Bogotá, Colombia

Señor ANGELINO GARZÓN, Vice President of Colombia –

Carrera 8a No.7-57 Bogotá, Colombia

Señor HERNÁN JAIME ULLOA VENEGAS, Director of the Presidential Program on Human Rights and International Rights of Humanity

Calle 7 No. 6 – 54 Bogotá, Colombia


Calle 55 Nº 10 -32 Bogotá, Colombia

Señora BEATRIZ URIBE BOTERO, Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development

Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogotá, Colombia

Señor JUAN CAMILO RESTREPO, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development –

Avenida Jiménez N˚ 7-65 Bogotá, Colombia








Respected Gentlemen and Gentlewomen,


The signatories below — defenders of life and civil society organizations who are committed to the sovereignty of the people; defenders of human rights; defenders of our public assets, communal heritage, land rights and the right to self-sufficiency in food; Afrocolombians and peasants – want to express our profound concern for the situation of the rural population which has existed and grown worse for many decades past.


From the outset, we reject and censure all the many deeds of violence, displacement and harassment toward the civilian population of Colombia and, in particular, toward indigenous peoples, black people and peasants in many regions of the country. We are quite clear, as recognized by the Honorable Constitutional Court, that many of these pressures are related to the megaprojects of the mineral, energy and agricultural industries and with the development of infrastructure and land speculation.


Several situations serve as examples of this relationship such as the judicial persecution of peasant leaders in Las Pavas: the continuing and frequent assassination of victims of the conflict who have struggled for restitution of their lands; the continual threats and attacks on the Community of Peace (Communidad de Paz) in San José de Apartadó; the harassment of indigenous peoples in Cauca by legally and illegally armed agents; the expropriation of land by palm oil enterprises and then subsequent delay in redelivering collective lands to the people; the murder of community leaders in the black communities of Curvaradó and Jiguamandó as well as the displacement of leaders of African descent in Guapi, Timbiquí and López de Micay; the killing of peasant community leaders and the expropriation of land in areas of the Caribbean region where there are coal mining and palm oil megaprojects; and the displacement of peasant and fishing populations  by mega dams such as in the case of El Quimbo, Ituango and Hidrosogamoso.


The organized forms of civil and democratic defense of their rights by the rural communities have been arrested, literally, by the armed conflict, or they have been intimidated and silenced.  Today, for example, the threats and leaflets that stigmatize and link the intent of these organizations with guerrilla fighters and terrorism create an atmosphere of fear and put at risk all people who claim the fulfillment of their rights.  It is to this aspect, in particular, that we want to call your attention.  As defenders of life who believe in and recognize a social state of law, we want to call the attention of the government and the institutions that direct and guide you to the following specific cases:


1)   On February 17, a young environmentalist, Sandra Viviana Cuellar was “disappeared” and since then there has been no news whatsoever on her whereabouts.

2)   On April 9, 2011 at seven o’clock in the evening, two laptop computers, an external hard drive, a USB memory stick and a cell phone were stolen from the residence of Hildebrando Vélez in the city of Cali.  Hildebrando is at the forefront of activities demanding the return of Sandra Viviana.  Thus, her house is registered as the permanent address of the organization “Surviving” which is headed by the young environmentalist who has disappeared.

3)   Likewise, we condemn the Colombian Army’s invasion and break-in this past March of several farms located in the municipality of Pradera (Valle del Cauca).  Among them is the farm of the headmaster of the Latin American agricultural school, Mario Mejía Gutiérrez.  Security forces carried out damaging and denigrating actions in this important center for teaching sustainable agriculture.   Other peasants in various regions of the country have suffered the same fate and, because of that, we ask for immediate actions to protect the rights of rural communities and prevent abuse by security forces against vulnerable people and communities.  Similarly, we ask for the avoidance of accusations made against rural communities that find themselves prey to the crossfire of the armed conflict in which the country lives, putting in danger its population as well as its physical and moral integrity.

4)   Equally, we view with grave concern the continuing death threats received for several years by the environmentalist Guillermo Castaño, president of the Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Risaralda and coordinator of the NGO, Surcos Comunitarios, who has not received any protection or assurances of safety from the Colombian government as he carries out his work as a defender of human rights, the natural environment and peasant communities and who is a leading advocate of agroecological proposals and food sustainability among coffee growers.


We cite only these recent cases where the rights of defenders of life have been compromised and we ask the national government, headed by Vice-President Angelino Garzón, to monitor these events.  Nevertheless, there exist many other anonymous men and women in the countryside, leaders who don’t have assurances of safety to develop activities, to exercise the right of dissent and the right to confront policies adverse to protection of the environment, local communities and equal access to land and water.


In this regard, we demand that the national government guarantee the fundamental rights of these defenders of life and also urgently take on the adoption of structural measures such as redistribution of profits, gradual and equal access to land, and the necessity of good treatment toward peasants, indigenous communities and black communities on the part of the armed forces.   We also demand that government policy and public management recognize the sovereignty of food that sustains rural families and that is itself threatened by fungicides used against the cultivation of illegal crops but which affect other types of cultivation.


The policy of crop fumigation that was started in 1978 has been shown to be ineffective, archaic and anachronistic in a world where environmental considerations take precedence.  It constitutes a grave risk for future agricultural commerce in Colombia.  We ask for immediate adoption of policies necessary to respond to national and international demands for alternative means to eradication aside from chemical fumigation and force.


Save the Countryside and Peasants


We are convinced that the situation of isolation and the difficult structural conditions concerning access to land, to credit and to opportunities has increased the vulnerability and risks faced by the rural population.  We consider the government’s policies and environmental regulations issued over the past few years to be extremely harmful, oriented towards privatization of natural resources and promotion of models of development dominated by large investors.  These policies and regulations promote a model of the countryside without the peasants and an absence of specific rights for minority and vulnerable peoples.


We are not able to forget that Colombia continues to be one of the countries of the world with major inequalities in the distribution of land.  For 2008, 70% of smallholdings made up only 2.8% of national territory, while only 0.16% of large holdings extended over 60% of the country.  This translates into the reality that 64% of the rural population lives in conditions of poverty and at least 41% of Colombian homes are food insecure, (approaching 58.3% in rural areas).  In December 2010 there existed in Colombia, according to our sources, between 3,600,000 and 5,200,000 people displaced internally – between 8% and 11.6% of the total population.  The extent of hectares usurped or abandoned because of violence between 1980 and 2010 approaches 6.65 million hectares.


It is because of all this that we urgently ask for immediate action by the government:  to rescue the countryside from this critical situation; to guarantee the full restitution of citizens’ rights; to adopt policies that will carry out real defense of our country and our natural resources in a manner that will ensure the existence of a rural world where we all fit and where peasant life as well as public policy and natural food resources are sacred.  It is urgent that there be dedicated protected areas that sustain the security of food resources with a focus on autonomy and sovereignty. There should be guaranteed access to healthy food as a human right and a law should be promulgated that prohibits land grabs by foreigners, as well as a policy that recognizes communal and popular means of production rather than solely production for the market.  In addition, the democratization of all government deliberation processes related to production with a guarantee of active peasant participation will build a new civilized order that ensures the conservation of the natural countryside and the sustainability of present and future generations. 




1. Grupo Semillas – Colombia

2. Censat agua viva – Colombia

3. Corporación Ecofondo – Colombia

4. Campaña por la defensa de la Soberanía, Seguridad y Autonomía alimentaria, Salsa – Ecofondo – Colombia

5. Fundación swissaid – Colombia

6. Campaña semillas de identidad – swissaid – colombia

7. Asociación agropecuaria de Caramanta, nit 811008816-1, Antioquia, Colombia

8. Corporación de Apoyo a Comunidades Populares / 800.121.811-8 Colombia

9. Grupo de rock Aterciopelados

10.   Organización Mama Coca

11.   Asociación de Trabajadores de Empleados Publicos, ASTDEM

12.   Foro Social Nororiental

13.   Corporación Compromiso

14.   Conap. Coordinadora nacional popular

15.   Colectivos de estudiantes de la UIS

16.   Movimiento en defensa del río Sogamoso

17.   Red Agroalimentaria de Santander.

18.   Fundación de Expresión Intercultural, Educativa y Ambiental, Fundaexpresión

19.   Escuela Agroecológica de Santander

20.   Corporación Humanidad "Maestra Vida"

21.   Asociación TierraUNA

22.   Colectivo Maloka Colombia

23.   Asociación de afectados por el Proyecto Hidroeléctrico El Quimbo Huila, Colombia

24.   Red de Organizaciones del Pacifico caucano Matamba Y Guasa, Nit 817000945-9, Cauca, Colombia

25.   Coordinación belga por Colombia

26.   Corporación Casa de La Memoria-Quipu Huasi

27.   Tejido de Comunicación de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN)

28.   Federación Acción Campesina Colombiana

29.   Centro de estudios urbanos y desarrollo social-Ceudes          

30.   Corporación orgánicos de colombia               

31.   Manos de mujer        

32.   Organización grupo ecológico Inem-Grei-Colombia                  

33.   Grupo ecológico Universidad del Tolima                      

34.   Corporación Suna Hisca-colombia                  

35.   Asociación de usuarios del Distrito de Riego Triangulo del Tolima Utritol          

36.   Fundación Antrópico             

37.   Colectivo Múcura

38.   Asopecam

39.   Maela región andina

40.   Asociación de Trabajo Interdisciplinario – ATI

41.   Corporación La Ceiba

42.  Comisión intereclesial de justicia y paz.

43.   Coordinadora Nacional Campesina- CNC

44.   Federación de Mujeres Campesinas de Nariño – FEMUCAN

45.   Marcha Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas

46.   Asociación de Familias Campesinas Biabuma NIT: 811045494-0  Támesis- Antioquia

47.   Colectivo de Agroecología Tierra Libre – Fusagasuga – Colombia

48.   Coordinacion de Consejos comunitarios y organizaciones de base del

49.   pueblo negro del pacifico departamento del Cauca – COCOCAUCA – Guapi – Cauca

50.   Orquidea de oro. Teófilo Avellaneda – Neiva  – Huila.

51.   CIER – Miriam Jiménez – Medellín, Antioquia.

52.   Corporación Vamos Mujer – Ana María Berrío – Medellín, Antioquia.

53.   Adecoquin. Gladis Cuadros. Armenia – Quindío

54.   Funcop. Bibiana Duarte. Popayán – Cauca.

55.   Corporación las Mellizas. Javier Antonio Arbelaez. Armenia – Quindío.

56.   Fundecima. Jhon Alexander Fernández. Popayán – Cauca.

57.   Fundación Mata de Monte. Nohora Aguilar. Yopal – Casanare.

58.   Fundeupia. Carlos Hurtado. Villanueva – Casanare.

59.   Asociación Tiempos Nuevos. Marieta Orduz. Sogamoso – Boyacá.

60.   Asociación Soñando Caminos. Luz Herminda Mora. Beteitiva – Boyacá.

61.   Codeba. Emperatriz Cahuache. Leticia – Amazonas.

62.   Fides. Francisco Benitez. Sincelejo – Sucre.

63.   Comunitar. Socorro Corrales. Popayán – Cauca.

64.   Fedena. Wilfredo Aranzazu. Fenicia – Valle del Cauca.

65.   Fundación Esawa. Magdalena Castellanos. Florencia –Caquetá.

66.   Grupo Ecológico INEM – Grei. Matilde Beltrán. Villavicencio – Meta.

67.   Corporación Michitá. Geoger Chávez. Quibdo – Chocó.

68.   Enda. Andreiev Pinzón. Bogotá, D.C.

69.   Funcaribe. Guillermo Gulfo. Montería –Córdoba.

70.   Fundación Proamsa , Programando Unambiente Saludable

71.   Fundación Akina Zaji Sauda -Conexión de Mujeres Negras- Cali, Colombia

72.   Instituto Latinoamericano para una sociedad y un derecho alternativos – ILSA

73.   Red Colombiana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio – Recalca.

74.   Fundación para el Desarrollo Social y Humano SUYAY

75.   Fundación aquarela Biodiversidad de Colombia – Santiago de Cali

76.   Corporación Emprender – Ibagué

77.   Tunansucá – Bogotá

78.   Fundación Agroecológica Andina de Colombia- FANC




1.      Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas – CAOI (Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia y Perú)

2.      Acción por la Biodiversidad

3.      GRAIN

4.      Colombia Support Network de Madison, Wisconsin, USA

5.      Alianza Social Continental

6.      Asamblea Universal de las Migraciones (45 países)

7. (16 países)




Amigos de la Tierra Bolivia – CERDET




 Fase, Brasil




 Amigos de la Tierra Chile – CODEFF

Colectivo VientoSur, Chile



Costa Rica

1.  Amigos de la Tierra Costa Rica. – Coecoceiba

2.  Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad de Costa Rica



El Salvador

 CESTA Amigos de la Tierra, El Salvador.




 Amigos de la Tierra Guatemala CEIBA Guatemala.




Mama Coca




Movimiento Madre Tierra – Amigos de la Tierra, Honduras




1.      Icaria editorial

2.      Revista Ecología Política

3.      Plataforma Repsolmata – Barcelona, España

4.      Comité de Solidaritat amb els Pobles Indígenes d´ América – Barcelona, España

5.      Xarxa de l'Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG), Cataluña, Estado español

6.      Associació d'Amistat amb el Poble de Guatemala, Barcelona, España

7.      Amigos de la Tierra España

8.      Fundación Hijos del Maíz, España

9.      Red de Semillas "Resembrando e Intercambiando" , España

10.   Colectivo de Solidaridd por la Justicia y la Dignidad de los Pueblos – COLICHE, Logroño, La Rioja-          España

11.   Colectivo de Colombianos/as refugiados/as en Asturias/Esp. “Luciano Romero Molina”

12.   Comité de Solidaritat amb els Pobles Indígenes d'América – Barcelona, España

13.   Comité Oscar Romero de Madrid- España

14.   Colectivo Maloka Colombia






1. Otros Mundos AC/Amigos de la Tierra México

2. Movimiento Mexicano de Afectados por las Represas y en Defensa de los Ríos (MAPDER)

3. Convergencia de Movimientos de los Pueblos de las Américas (COMPA)

4. Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos (AMAP)

5. Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC)




Les Amis de la Terre-Togo




Redes-Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay








1.       Gregorio Mesa Cuadros, CC 4'112.836, Director Grupo de Investigación en Derechos Colectivos y Ambientales – GIDCA

2.       Sara Nelcy Usme S. Asesora Gerencia Ambiental, Acueducto de Bogotá

3.       Ulvio Martin ayala, ambientalista, Corporación Social para la Asesoría y Capacitación Comunitaria Cospacc

4.       Marcela Orozco Contreras. Investigadora. Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC)

5.       Pedro Tostado Sánchez, Sociólogo, Madrid (España)

6.       Joan Martínez Alier, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

7.       Edgar Isch, exministro del ambiente de Ecuador, Ecuador

8.       Nancy Minga Ochoa-0101925261-  CEA- Ecuador

9.       Arturo Escobar, profesor Universidad de Carolina del Norte. USA

10.   Rafael Colmenares Faccini. C.C. 17.195.954

11.   Gladys Moreno Pinzón C.C. 20.632.313

12.   Omar Zapata C.C. 70.876.090

13.   Juan Carlos Morales González – cc. 79.053.729 – Colombia

14.   Elsa Leonor Nivia Gil. Cédula 38.216.447. Colombia

15.   Diana Castillo M. Consultora, Colombia

16.   Saúl Bernardo Aguiar Herrera,  CC  14.216.921,   Colombia

17.   Miller Armín Dussán Calderón CC  19117627,   Colombia

18.   Renso Alexander García Parra, CC  93412533   Colombia

19.   Alfredo Añasco y familia, CC 16´637.678, Colombia

20.   Judy Marcela Chaves Agudelo, CC 33.378.054 Colombia

21.   Hans Salomón Carrillo, CC 74.130.403, Colombia

22.   Juan Guillermo Gaviria, CC 70.034.096  Colombia

23.   Doris Lucia Ruales Piñeres

24.   Janneth Lozano Bustos, Directora CODACOP

25.   Gustavo Castro Soto. Sociólogo, México

26.   Nicolás Vargas Ramírez – 1.057’571.449 – Colombia

27.   Hernán Darío Correa, Planeta Paz

28.   Marxia Motta Chavarro – 52.452.105 – Colombia

29.   Yamid Alonso Gómez Zapata

30.   Adriana Castiblanco Angulo – 40.392.538 de Villavicencio .Meta – Colombia

31.   Luis Guillermo Madrid Arango. CC# 70.063.165,   Colombia

32.   Adriana M. Terreros G. C.C. # 51696186 Colombia

33.   Andres Felipe Combariza Borja 1015406785

34.   Diana Yhamile López Roa 52852415

35.   Julio César Medina Hernández  C.C. 12 107.715 de Neiva, Colombia

36.   Teresa Botache Capera  Cédula 36.161.908  Colombia

37.   Alejandro Espinosa – 79.628.966 – Colombia

38.   Álvaro Acevedo Osorio. C.C. 10.284.652. Colombia

39.   Gonzalo Cardona Martínez 93355416 Colombia

40.   Ana María Arango – 52.255.991 – Colombia

41.   Tatiana Pereira C.C 53.002.029 Colombia

42.   Edgar Humberto Gomez C.C 79.724.537 Colombia

43.   Andrés Serna. C.C. 80087884 Colombia1       

44.   Gonzalo Palomino Ortiz C.C. 6.367.024 Colombia

45.   Luis Alexander Benavides C.C. 79.522.049 Colombia

46.   Luis Alberto Pérez Olaya C.C. 17.340.657 Colombia

47.   David Julián Suárez Colombia

48.   Mauricio Cadena Gabica C.C. 91.539.259 Colombia

49.   Daniel Andes Arismendi Colombia

50.   Jairo Quique Gómez C.C. 80.004.017 Colombia

51.   María Constanza Córdoba C.C. 59.815.941 Colombia

52.   Diego Nicolás Gutiérrez 1.032.436.084 Colombia

53.   Laura Mateus Moreno. 1.033.446.743 Colombia

54.   Cristhian Rodríguez 1.030.558.841 Colombia

55.   Juan David Olmos Colombia

56.   Ana María Gamboa 1.030.558.841 Colombia

57.   Andrea Camila Acuña Barragán 1.018.451.663 Colombia

58.   Daniel Prieto Sánchez 1.030.552.883 Colombia

59.   Cristian de la Cruz Carrascal 1.020.770.448    Colombia

60.   Luis Francisco Abreu Álvarez 1.030.577.856 Colombia

61.   Xiomara Alexandra Taborda 1.032.417.500 Colombia

62.   Jonathan  Sandoval Amaya 80.821.947 Colombia

63.   Francy Merchán r. 1.022.353.418 Colombia

64.   Juan Guasca Jáuregui 79.913.049 Colombia

65.   Carlos Andrés Hernández 80.125.120 Colombia

66.   Johana María Romero 1.032.454.093 Colombia

67.   Mónica Murillo r. 1.015.423.435 Colombia

68.   María Mercedes Campo 1061733684 Colombia

69.   Arnulfo García 91.277.386 Colombia

70.   Bibian Guarnizo Salazar 52.876.343 Colombia

71.   Alfonso Castillo Garzón 16.702.743 Colombia

72.   Diego A Cruz 1.023.907.256 Colombia

73.   Jairo Alonso Porras b. 1.015.428.208 Colombia

74.   Diego Andrés Bermúdez 11.259.344 Colombia

75.   Nicolás Rodríguez Reyes 1.033.685.816 Colombia

76.   Fabián Weimar rey h. 1.121.869.267Colombia

77.   Pedro Coral Tavera 100.000 Colombia

78.   Juan Alejandro Durán 1.039.703.932 Colombia

79.   Sheril Natalia Salazar 1.053.795.122 Colombia

80.   Erika Ortiz d. 1.026.567.297 Colombia

81.   Luis López Calderón 80.093.773 Colombia

82.   Viviana Catalina Gutiérrez 1.032.441.035 Colombia

83.   Gabriela Castro Ríos 1.022.369.916 Colombia

84.   Jonathan a. Ojeda m. 1.022.356.902 Colombia

85.   Nancy Paola Moreno d. 1.032.434.471Colombia

86.   Jeisson Alejandro Gutiérrez 80.926.886 Colombia

87.   Catalina Toro 35.497.718 Colombia

88.   Pablo Ignacio Reyes 79.558.944 Colombia

89.   María Cecilia Pérez Pamplona. CC 46.643864 de Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá-Colombia

90.   Andrea González Álvarez.  C.C. 52221015 de Bogotá

91.   Laura Mercedes Barriga Valencia C.C.53067834-Colombia

92.   Jorge Andrés Ortiz Torres. 79965467 de Bogotá- Colombia

93.   Leidy Marcela Arias Pulido- 26425381 – Colombia

94.   Claudia Quiceno Montoya 41.904.848 Colombia

95.   Héctor Fabio Mafla 6.396.031 Colombia

96.   Ivonne Patricia León 1.018.402.752     Colombia

97.   Luis Enrique Ariza r. Colombia

98.   Irene Cardozo 1.094.913.474 Colombia

99.   Laura A. Cardozo. 41.963.887 Colombia

100. Isaura Lorena Aragón Colombia

101. Leidy Marcela Arias Pulido-26425381- Colombia

102. Ferney Restrepo Pérez Cc. 8.190363 Colombia

103. Maricel Terranova Romero CC. 41.670084

104. Eliana Restrepo Terranova CC. 1032427251

105. Mario Mejía Gutiérrez,  CC. 1.195.042, Colombia

106. Diego M. Bocanegra, c.c. 1.022.340.463, Colombia

107. Carlos A. Pachón Pinzón, c.c.   80.135.816, Colombia

108. Esteban Elías Correa Posada – 8259018 – Colombia

109.  Ana María Fuentes. C.C.  51985434 de Bogotá  Consultora independiente.  Bogotá

110.  Alan Rentaría Asprilla. C.C. 79620875 de Bogotá                       

111.  Brígida Valderrama Fonseca. C.C. 20.947.568

112. Germán Ayala Osorio. C.C. 16731959 Profesor Universidad Autónoma de Occidente – Cali, Valle del Cauca

113. Claudia Patricia González Moreno C.C. 65.715.149 Corporación Sol Y Luna

114. Ibagué Tolima

115.  Carlos Ancizar Rico. C.C. 6.231.092 Colombia

116. Gonzalo Díaz Cañadas. C.C. 79 279 975 –  Fundación Beteguma Quibdó-Chocó-Colombia

117. Félix Manuel Banguero. C.C. 1552525 Consejo Comunitario Pilamo – Caloto –C   auca

118. Marco Fidel Mayor Cardona. C.C. 14.215.784 de Ibagué. Funcop – Cauca

119. Claudia Chávez Ceballos. C.C. 1130614037-Cali Universidad Del Valle Cali-Valle      del Cauca

120. Jerónimo Pulido. C.C. 80 578 935.

121. Saúl Bernardo Aguiar Herrera. C.C. 14.216.921 DE Ibagué Fundación Mata de Monte – Yopal – Casanare.

122. Marta Lucía Guardiola Perilla. C.C.. 39.688.202 Bogotá – Colombia

123. Erminsu David Pabón. C.C. 98'323.239 – Guadalajara de Buga – Valle del Cauca.

124. Francisco Rojas A. C.C. 14.956.039 de Cali. Popayán- Cauca

125. Martina Camargo Centeno. C.C. 49730035 Cantaora – Cartagena

126. Luz Dary Díaz Alvarado. Movimiento alimentario de Bosa.

127.  Álvaro Samuel Obando Eraso. C.C. 12.973.685 de Pasto – Pasto – Nariño

128.  Marta Ortega Chaves. C.C. 30.739731 – Asociación para el Desarrollo Campesino – Pasto, Nariño

129. Carlos Salgado Araméndez. C.C.  19.323.493 de Bogotá – Bogotá, D.C.

130. Carolina Santos Niño. C.C. 63554317 – Corambiente – Bucaramanga, Santander.

131. Enrique Galán R. C.C. 17.315.297 –  Mata de Monte  – Yopal, Casanare.

132. Oscar Andrés Puentes Rocha

133.  Luisa Fernanda Montes Ocampo c.c. 30.392.086 Colombia

134. Hernando Escobar Zuluaga c.c. 10.289.894

135. Julio César Maya. Medellín – Antioquia.

136. Dana Carolina Jaimes Gaitán, ingeniera ambiental.

137. Lilia Niviayo Mesa,  docente, Colombia

138. Alberto Cerón Díaz – Director, España

139. David Llistar, Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización, Catalunya, investigador 

140. Francisco Bohórquez González, sociólogo y educador social, España

141. Gustavo Castro Soto/Sociólogo/México

142. Marcela Orozco Contreras. Investigadora. Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC)

143. Marco Antonio Velázquez Navarrete, Secretario Técnico, Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio

144. Raúl Zibechi, periodista e investigador, Uruguay

145. Luis Alberto Pérez Olaya. C. C. 17.340.657

146. Katherine Torres Sánchez c.c. 52.4985.92 Bogotá

147. Rodolfo López Burbano C.C. 79792295 – Fundación Atrevida – Bogotá, D.C.

148.Juliana Cepeda Valencia C.C. 52899366 – Universidad Nacional – Bogotá, D.C.

149. Miladis Marmolejo Pizarro. C.C.  66761519 – Corporación Esfera Azul –  Miranda, Cauca, Colombia

150.Marco José Nivia Gil. C.C. 71590421 – Santiago de Cali.

151. Eduardo Antonio Macana C.C.14.221.340

152. Jaime A. Salazar C.C. 79.145.615

153. Luz Dary Arias H.

154. David F. Ramírez Moreno. C.C.16720442- Univ. Autónoma de Occidente – Cali

155. Beatriz Martínez, cc. 41428770 de Bogotá, Colombia

156. Stepahn Suhner – Grupo de Trabajo Suiza Colombia – Bem, Suiza.

157. Emmanuel Eduardo Rozental, Canadá

158. Maria Antonia Arnau Puigvert – jubilada – dni 37712646Y-  Barcelona, España

159. Juan Hernández Zubizarreta Hegoa Institut de Estudiso sobre el desarrollo y la Cooperación Internacional, profesor de la universidad del País Vasco, Estado Español.

160.  Aliria Uribe Tabimba. C.E. 30387933 nie X6588181M España

161. Elena Cedrón – DNI 6.627.860 – Argentina






Coordinación de Comunicación


Calle 28 A#15-31 Ofc.302 Bogotá, Colombia

Tel (57 1) 285 5144, Telfax (57 1) 285 5728 

(This translation may be reprinted as long as the content remains unaltered, and the source, author, and translator are cited.)

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