Original Source: Camilo González Posso
[Translated by Steve Cagan, a CSN volunteer translator]
Camilo González Posso, in “Saudi Cauca,” (http://www.elliberal.com.co/liberal/opinion/columnistas/103465-cauca-saudita) exposes the extractive project that is going forward in the terror zones of Cauca (see below). [Cauca is one of the four Pacific coast departments of Colombia—SC.] For this, they are massacring and displacing people in Cauca.
Reiterating is useless, but it is still true.
The FTA with Canada (http://www.moir.org.co/Confirmados-los-danos-del-TLC-con.html), which is in effect and being implemented, takes advantage of the terror that has been created to empty the areas of people, so this treaty permanently legalizes getting rid of the people by the transnationals. The treaty with the US that is coming will do the same. Terror, death, laws kicking people off their land, Santos’ locomotives, built on the Democratic Security of Uribe. (http://www.moir.org.co/La-resistencia-social-contra-las.html) [Santos is the current President of Colombia; Uribe was the previous one. Santos has called extractive industries “the locomotive” for the economic development of Colombia—SC]. Cauca turned into a killing field, a concentration camp, for extractive projects. The war in Cauca, wherever the bullets may come from, was useful for that, has been useful for it, and hands it over in a blood bath and a flood of lies, in negotiations in the midst of terror to exchange resistance, territory, peoples, processes and riches for the accumulation of transnational capital.
It is the very NATO bombing in Libya (http://www.moir.org.co/La-sangrienta-farsa-Libia.html). The very war between tyrants, so that the people will lose everything and they will end up with what they came for. Human rights are not being violated in Cauca, Oh not as they are routinely understood and denounced, in the form of homicides and massacres. They are, taken together, a huge armed robbery. Cauca has already been turned over; the extraction of its wealth is beginning. Perhaps they will give one or another jobs to Afro-Colombians and Indigenous people who have been kicked off their land. Surely, they take everything away, from their lives to their dignity and consciousness. This used to be called fascism. Today it isn’t called that, but it is implemented, and the equation also includes the effect of extreme violence, so people can choose between not handing everything over and being massacred, or handing it over and being enslaved and kicked off their land.
Now the people have been displaced. Now the territories have been conceded. Now negotiations and agreements have been generated that cover these mega-projects while they move forward, the map of terror and death, the map of total occupation of the territories, the map of Plan Colombia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a7TwMVB8_s) is in plain sight. The five locomotives come into the area behind death, lies and the pawning of the peoples and processes in their territories, of resistance and of dignity. This is “free trade.”
Reiterating was useless, it has been useless up until now, but it was and is the truth. The struggle is against the economic model that makes use of propaganda, of terror, of laws to drive people off their land, of the systematic violation of agreements and convents, and of the obligations of the State to move forward and carry out the project of death in order to advance accumulation, while the life projects and agendas of the people are postponed, become confused, are distorted, are negotiated away, are massacred, are buried and the people get tired of always hearing the same thing.
The voices of Colombia
Saudi Cauca
Five hundred thousand hectares, which make up nearly 20% of the entire territory of the department of Cauca, are within the maps of the concessions given by the National Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH) to the Canadian company Gran Tierra Energy (http://www.grantierra.com/operations/colombia/). This land, in which technical studies preliminary to the exploration phase are moving forward, covers from the Bota of Cauca and a good part of the Macizo, literally right up to the Parque Caldas Park in Popayán. Today, in the maps of the ANH this entire zone is part of the Cauna-Patía watershed, blocks Cauca 6 and Cauca 7. (http://www.nasaacin.org/component/content/article/1-ultimas-noticias/2718-cauca-saudita)
(This translation may be reprinted as long as the content remains unaltered, and the source, author, and translator are cited.)
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