Gildardo Tuberquia
Leader from the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
Click to view full-sized poster.
Saturday, October 6 Opening Celebration of CSN’s 25 year anniversary at the Great Hall of the Memorial Union 800 Langdon St., Madison, WI at 7p.m.
Sunday, October 7 United Church of Christ Fitchburg after the services at 9 and at 11 a. m.
Tuesday, October 9 United Nations Dane County Association, Sonderegger Science Bldg. at Edgewood College 1000 Edgewood College Drive, Madison, WI. “ How the United Nations have been present in the life of the Peace Community,” at 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 11 Gildardo will comment on the Documentary “We Can Not Keep Silent” about the Peace Community of San José by Hollman Morris 206 Ingraham Hall 1155 Observatory Drive UW Madison, WI at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 14 First Unitarian Society of Madison, 900 University Bay Drive, Madison, WI at 12:30 p.m. Introduced by Mark Pocan.
Monday, October 15 “Winds of March” Play at the Bartell Theatre, Drury Stage, 113 E. Mif in St., Madison, WI at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 16 Brown Bag Lunch: “The Peace Community’s Alternative University : A Novel Approach to Education” 206 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI at noon.
Gildardo Tuberquia was democratically elected by the PCSJA to represent them in Dane County. He is a farmer and grows cocoa beans, avocados and corn. Gildardo is also an accomplished builder of homes using local resources, and designs the construction of new settlements. He is the leader of a new settlement called the Peace Village, a mountain retreat created speci cally to re ect, to discuss, to meditate, to train and to deepen awareness of the philosophy and principles of the Peace Community, combining the study of Peace Community principles with alternative technology for farming, ecology and ideals for a better society. Peace Community families take turns living in this place to take advantage of its resources for a better life.
… San José de Apartadó declared itself a peace community in 1997. Residents of the rural community pledged not to engage in war, either directly or indirectly, and to look for peaceful and negotiated solutions to the con ict. is declaration caused the armed groups to declare San José de Apartadó as aiding the “enemy”. Although San José de Apartadó displays white ags and constructed fences to indicate its neutrality, armed groups, including Colombia’s armed forces, have continued to attack and kill its residents. (Feb 7, 2007 Americans Friends Service Committee nominating the PCSJ for the Nobel Peace Prize)